image044.jpg  今天是錫東的生日,可是令人懊惱的是錫東忙得沒時間可以過生日,而且他今天就要飛去印度演講並主持會議,連在去機場前一起好好吃頓飯的時間都沒有。正在思考如何還可以做些什麼的時候,錫東笑容滿面的遞給我孩子寄來的禮物和生日卡,我接過卡片,讀著讀著眼前一片模糊……

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攝於荷蘭Keukenhof Park  看了朋友寫的書,心中有個衝動想要為自己的生命作見證。拿出了塵封二十餘年的筆,一點一滴的將自己的心情寫下來,自己不是作家也不是名人,但是有一顆熱愛生命赤誠的心。過去的日子,活的精采,但卻無法追回。未來的日子,無法預知。唯有當下,是我所能掌握。我希望日子天天發光發熱,晶瑩亮麗,所以我把一些心情寫下,希望為自己走過的路留下痕跡。

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image042.jpg  當我告訴外國朋友我八月要去希臘旅行的消息,他們都睜大了眼睛,一副非常羨慕的樣子。的確,電影中還是風景月曆上,那些山坡上層層疊疊、雪白的房舍,配上簡單有力的藍色門片和窗框,就那麼簡潔的勾勒出美麗的畫面。萬里無雲的天空,飛鳥翱翔,倒映著一望無際蔚藍的大海,點點遊艇和豪華郵輪穿梭海面,想到能置身這樣的畫面中能不令人興奮?更何況多少雋詠的神話與史詩世世代代就在這裡發生和流傳。

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~雍容華貴的華爾滋~  I was at the High-Speed Rail Station trying to catch the train back to Taichung, when a man who appeared to be in his thirties approached me and asked:  “Are you an English teacher?”  I looked back puzzled and thought to myself:  “Yes, to some degree, I am, but does it say so on my face?”  He continued:  “The magazine you are reading is very difficult, but it seems that you are very interested in it and you are reading it with ease, what is the article all about?”  No wonder he asked me whether or not I am an English teacher.  I told him it was about the death of a far right political leader in Austria and how interesting it was.  I answered him as a teacher should do when she was asked any questions.  To my surprise, he asked:  “Are you married?” I replied without any thinking:  “Sure I am!” then I felt funny, thinking to myself:  “What on the earth are you doing here?”  Before I could figure it out, he continued:  “You are so beautiful….” I felt choked and wondered whether I was in a dream.  While I was waiting for my train, I could not wait to tell Shyi-Dong who was attending a conference in Spain about this interesting encounter.   I sent a text message to him and he replied:  “Wow!  Congratulations!  You do look the same as when you were in your twenties, but did he ask you about your age?”

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攝於麗江玉龍雪山  清晨騎著自行車運動已經成為每天例行公式,我喜歡那種四處無人,清風拂面的感覺,每天邊騎邊思考許許多多事情,常常有意想不到的發現或體認。

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~激昂的鬥牛舞~  I was quite surprised to receive a letter from Professor Sung yesterday.  I Opened the letter and two photos dropped out.  They were the photos of her daughter, Jean, practicing ballet.  Looking at the girl’s attentive face, beautiful hand gesture and the straight body line, my thoughts brought me back to the studio. Radu’s words:  ‘Watch your axis! Keep your balance!’ started to ring in my ears.  Jean looked like only six or seven years old, but she was so beautiful and natural with her pose in the photos.  The photos reminded me of the ancient pillars I saw in Greek Temples this past summer.  They were so straight and elegant.   On the contrary, I felt I was like those broken pillars lying on the ground.

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攝於希臘神殿  97年11月18日接到國稅局92年度的補稅通知,看到稅單上面的金額,我只有一個衝動,別玩了!這種政府我還在賣什麼命?

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image070.jpg  Dear R and L:

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 image036.jpg  中午趕著去台北開會,高鐵竟然只開到板橋,下了車跳上排班的計程車,司機殷勤的噓寒問暖,一下子有點受寵若驚,隨口寒喧一下,問問生意如何?司機嘆了口氣說,排了一個早上的班,我是第一個客人。到了目的地,他一謝再謝,總共才兩百多元的車資,彷彿我給了莫大的恩惠,讓我覺得難為情。

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