image044.jpg  今天是錫東的生日,可是令人懊惱的是錫東忙得沒時間可以過生日,而且他今天就要飛去印度演講並主持會議,連在去機場前一起好好吃頓飯的時間都沒有。正在思考如何還可以做些什麼的時候,錫東笑容滿面的遞給我孩子寄來的禮物和生日卡,我接過卡片,讀著讀著眼前一片模糊……


爾康簡短寫著:「Dear Dad:  Happy Birthday!  This has been a tough year for everyone, but I’m so happy and proud that you’ve made so many achievements.  On your birthday, take it easy and take Mom dancing.  Happy Birthday!  Kang」爾康的卡片很是有趣,一打開就是一段音樂舞曲,一對男女快樂的跳舞著,卡片上寫著「Birthdays are made for dancing」



Dear Dad:

Happy Birthday!  Sorry that I couldn’t prepare a gift for you, so I wrote a letter to you instead.  Time flies, doesn’t it?  Without notice, everything goes by like a blink (Except being in the military).  After all these years, I have seen you rise in your career.  I remember when I was still a little child, you were still a small researcher; but now, you have become an influential person to your school and your science field.  What an achievement!  For all these years you have kept persistence and passion on your work, and now everything really seems to pay off at last.  To be honest, the things that I wrote in my application files for graduate schools are really true.  I aspire to work on something that has real value.  I wish I can also find work in which I will be really interested in.

Family wise, after some observation among quite a few families, I have concluded that our family is a really great one.  I can feel that you love mom a lot and she loves you back.  You have been a role model father for me.  From you, I have learned integrity, honesty, modesty, and confidence.   And also how to treat others.  I always remember you told me years ago: “Do not sit on other people’s head”.  Also, you are a family man, that’s what mom always tells me about you.  I have always thought that family eating together is absolutely normal, but after I grew up, I noticed the families of my peers seldom eat together as a family.

You are the father and the man that I look up to; one day, when I become a father and husband, I will be a great one, just as you are.








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