~激昂的鬥牛舞~  I was quite surprised to receive a letter from Professor Sung yesterday.  I Opened the letter and two photos dropped out.  They were the photos of her daughter, Jean, practicing ballet.  Looking at the girl’s attentive face, beautiful hand gesture and the straight body line, my thoughts brought me back to the studio. Radu’s words:  ‘Watch your axis! Keep your balance!’ started to ring in my ears.  Jean looked like only six or seven years old, but she was so beautiful and natural with her pose in the photos.  The photos reminded me of the ancient pillars I saw in Greek Temples this past summer.  They were so straight and elegant.   On the contrary, I felt I was like those broken pillars lying on the ground.


It’s funny that a good dancer should start training at young age, what can I expect if I started so late?  It is said that it’s never too late to learn.  Is it true?





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