在Geneva 鎮拜訪Dr.Provvidenti和農業試驗所所長Dr.Hunter夫婦  從小在作文範本中經常讀到我們是生命的舵手,每當寫一些我的希望之類的文章,也經常愛在「我是國家未來的主人翁」「社會的棟樑」的開場白之後,加上一句「我是生命的舵手」。雖然這個詞彙我在小學就已經學到,但在生命的洪流中,我從來沒有覺得自己是什麼舵手,倒覺得自己是在一片汪洋中載浮載沉,沒有被淹沒已經是萬幸。


一月接到Dr. Provvidenti妻子過世的消息,我建議錫東最好趁著新年假期前往美國探視Dr. Provvidenti。 他是錫東和我非常尊敬的一位康乃爾大學教授,他在錫東的學術研究上一直扮演非常重要的角色,可是錫東因為工作實在太忙無法分身,所以我隻身前往。


在紐約州Geneva小鎮,我見到這位年近九十,曾經是國際上赫赫有名的學者。因為剛喪失妻子,又曾經動過腦部手術,健康欠佳,一個人獨居,足不出戶。所幸他過去因為熱情溫暖,助人無數,人緣極佳。他原先來自義大利,一直保有義大利傳統家庭觀念,也就是親密的親子關係,所以雖然兒女都遠住他方,但卻還能盡到照顧的責任。Dr. Provvidenti年輕時曾經參與世界二次大戰,如不是戰後進入實驗室工作,根本不可能從軍人角色轉換成學者身分。也因為到了美國研究所,最後才會定居美國,娶了美國妻子。他如何在每個階段操控人生方向,造成他人生戲劇化的改變。







在Geneva 鎮拜訪Dr.Provvidenti和農業試驗所所長Dr.Hunter夫婦
在Geneva 鎮拜訪Dr.Provvidenti和農業試驗所所長Dr.Hunter夫婦  


Ever since I was young, I have learned the Chinese proverb ‘We are the people who steer the boat of the life’.   Whenever I was assigned to write an essay about what I wanted to be, I always added this proverb in my writing.  However, I never understood what it really meant.  Instead, I found I barely could keep my head above the water in the stream of life.


Last January we heard the sad news that Margret, Dr. Provvidenti’s wife, had passed away.  I tried to persuade Shyi-Dong to go back to America to visit him.  Dr. Provvidenti is the professor we revere and he has played a very important role in Shyi-Dong’s research work.  However, Shyi-Dong couldn’t make the trip because he was caught up in an overwhelming workload.  Therefore, I made the trip by myself.


In the small town of Geneva, NY, I met Dr. Provvidenti who was nearly 90.  Since he just lost his wife and had had a brain surgery recently, he confined himself at home alone.  Fortunately, he has lots of friends whom he helped or socialized in the past keep an eye on him.  In addition, his children take good care of him because the Provvidentis have kept close family bonds due to its Italian background.  Dr. Provvidenti was a veteran from World War II.  He became a scientist after he worked in a lab.  Then he moved to America, married an American woman, and became a world famous scientist.  Indeed, Dr. Provvidentis has a dramatic life.  He has changed his life from a soldier to a top world scientist because he has steered his boat carefully.


Geneva is like our second home town.  When we lived there, we were the only Chinese family, so we were showered with friendship from our American friends.  Twenty some years ago, no one knew what kind of life we would have, but now that we are all getting into old.  It is like reading the last few chapters of a novel, we can almost tell what the ending will be.


After listening to all the friends’ catch-ups, I feel that I finally understand why we are the people who steer the boat of life.  Twenty some years ago, we were very much the same with each other.  We worked or studied in the academic field, had a small family, lived simple but financially tight lives.  Now everyone has developed their individual stories.  Some are successful in terms of family, career and finance.  Some are miserable.


I am very happy to hear all the good news about our friends, but I feel sad with those friends who suffer.   All of a sudden, I realized that Shy-Dong and I are steering our own boat, and the life is truly in our hands.




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