中興大學募款餐會表演  坐在漆黑的夜色中,冰涼的山風吹拂著臉龐,螢火蟲點點亮光,對映著窗內一片燈火通明。拿著麥克風的人賣力的唱著,坐在一旁的人專注的打著拍子,開了一整天的會,這些大人物都累了,此刻就是他們解除壓力,最快樂的時光。大老遠開了幾個小時的車來到山上,馬不停蹄的開會、討論、做決策,雖然辛苦,但顯然非常成功有效率,因為每個人臉上都掛著興奮卻又疲累的表情。望著這些大人物,滿頭華髮、滿臉風霜,不知道今天在他們成功的事業上,又添加了什麼新的大計畫。













It was pitch dark on the porch, the soothing breeze blew over from the valley, the fireflies danced around in the bushes, and the crickets chirped in the meadow.  It was such a beautiful night in the mountains.  I felt as if I was in the heaven.  Shyi-Dong had already finished a meeting with some elitists and now they were enjoying themselves inside a lodge.  I was waiting to go for a walk under the starry sky, but there was no sign that Shyi-Dong could leave the group.  Sitting alone on the porch, I watched people singing and clapping their hands excitedly.  After driving for hours to this mountain resort and going directly into a long day meeting, every one looked exhausted.  Singing was definitely the best way for them to unwind.  Obviously, the meeting was very successful because they were chatting and singing loudly with big smiles.  Watching their excited faces through the window, I wondered how many more commitments they had made at the meeting to add to their overwhelming daily workloads.  They were not old, but they couldn’t hide their grey hairs and wrinkles.


There was a story I read one time about a man who complained to the Lord how heavy his load was on his back and he asked the Lord to lighten it.  Before the Lord could answer, he quickly picked up everything he saw on the way as he passed and put on his back.


Last week a well-known speaker was invited to give a speech exclusively to those elitists on the issue of health.  Everyone listened attentively because they desperately needed medical advice.  It was very ironic that those elitists had won the whole world, but had lost their health.


After a good sleep, everyone would rush to leave for another appointment in the morning.  It was hard to understand that they made a special trip all the way up to the mountains, but they had no time or energy to climb any one of them.  Didn’t the doctor suggest that mountain climbing was good exercise?  Why was everyone in such a hurry?  They were right in the mountains but it seemed to them that the mountains never existed. 


I remember another story which was about time and a watch.  A rich man was showing off his gold Rolex watch to a poor man who didn’t even have one.  Admiring the beauty of the gold watch, the poor man said slowly:  “I don’t have a watch but I have time.” 


Thinking about this story, the elitists’ faces were dancing in front of me, I decided to tell Shyi-Dong that I would rather him remain ‘a small potato’. Yes, let’s go climbing the mountains.


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