image068.jpg  Dear R and L:


I don’t know why I couldn’t control myself every time when I touched the issue of dancing.  It’s quite ironic that we have been good friends for so long, but I felt that our friendship has been challenged. 


I am glad that we finally straightened the matter out, but it is hard to believe that we hurt each other badly while we tried to prove to each other that we have tried our best to do the work.  I don’t like to look like a fool if I can’t manage the learning.  I am not afraid of meeting challenges but I need to know how I can solve the problems to make improvement. 


Shyi-Dong and I seldom argue on anything because we have our own territory in the real life.  However, as it said,  “It takes two to tango”.  I found it difficult to be a follower on the dance floor especially when he felt that I was the cause of all the wrongs.  I couldn’t tell him how I felt because he would feel criticized.  Man’s ego prevents most husbands from dancing and I don’t want to be one of those wives who are in sorrow.


We are your first students in Taiwan and probably the most difficult ones.  In my teaching career, I found that it is not easy to get talented students but the most fulfilling feelings don’t come from teachings those gifted students because they take everything for granted.  Instead, it is from the poor students who thrive through my teaching.  I would do anything I can to help a student to morph from a caterpillar to a butterfly if possible.  In our life, we happen to meet each other at this point and we do hope that we can be a blessing to you.  You would be happy and proud if you could hear all the compliments people have made on me recently and I know it is because of the lessons I have taken.




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