RGBimage123.jpg  我一向對事業成功的人很好奇,不知道他們的生活真實面如何。今年我有機會受邀去一場晚宴,當我走進金碧輝煌的飯店,我很驚訝看到好幾位成功的企業家也在座。










Men’s Thoughts – 2


I have always been interested in what makes people succeed.  Last month I was invited to a banquet.  When I arrived, I was surprised to see quite a few famous entrepreneurs chatting there.


Perhaps the wine made everyone relaxed, or perhaps the soft lighting and music calmed the tycoons.  They were excitedly sharing their stories about running businesses.  Their eyes sparkled when they talked about their gigantic business projects and the annual profits.  Their voices squeaked when they mentioned about the nasty fights with bureaucracy and rivalries.  I felt my head spinning with their ups and downs and I couldn’t imagine putting myself in their shoes.  It seemed they were walking on egg shells in order to build up their kingdoms.  The thin line between extreme success and failure was so subtle but they seemed to enjoy the challenges. 


It was interesting to see all the men nod their heads when someone said that he would continue to push for more growth in his business even though he already occupied the biggest market shares.  It was also interesting to see all the men with jealous expressions when someone stated he would continue to expand his business to other fields and scoop up more profits.  Their words thundered in my ears and I felt like I was sitting with giants whose kingdoms were beyond my imagination.


When I was wondering what made those tycoons work like crazy to build their kingdoms and when they would ever take a break, one CEO of an international cooperation declared that he would donate most money he had made to help people in need one day.  He said that he was just a passerby in the world and he was just lucky enough to make good money.  The guests clapped their hands with reverence after listening to his very touching declaration.  However he continued with a low voice:  ‘I did so well, but my wife almost left me.  I don’t know why….’ 


The air froze all of a sudden.  No one knew how to respond.  The words ‘I know’ rushed to my mouth, but I swallowed them hard.  As a woman, I know the reasons.



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