RGBimage123.jpg  經過三天馬不停蹄的會議,在慶祝會議圓滿結束的晚宴上,與會的專家看起來都相當疲累,話題由嚴肅的高科技轉移到八卦新聞,餐桌上有的人專注聆聽,有的人神遊象外。
























Men’s Thoughts - 1

It was a big dinner to celebrate a conference successfully conducted for three days.  After numerous non-stop meetings, all the participants who were sitting around the table looked tired.  The conversation switched from high techs to gossips.  Some people listened attentively and some people spaced out in their own world.


Suddenly, the atmosphere became vital and all the guests anxiously joined the conversation.  It was about a marriage of a 28-year-old wife and an 82-year-old husband, a Nobel laureate.  It was old news, but for some reasons it was brought up again at the dinner.  One man said:  ‘It is a trend to marry a young woman at old age…..’ the other man continued:  ‘Yes, that is right.  When you get old, you need someone to look after you…’  The third one added:  ‘Yeah, the wife will be too old to take care of you…’ The fourth one joined:  ‘What you need is money.  You can easily find young woman to spend life with you as long as you want…’ The fifth one protested:  ‘but they just want your money…’  The sixth one defended:  ‘Who cares?  We deserve to spend the money the way we want…’


The conversation went on and on and the guests who looked exhausted all came alive.  They raised their voices and swung their hands in the air.  It looked like they were picturing themselves getting a young woman to live with at an old age.


Looking at those well-achieved experts, my thoughts drifted to the conversation I had with a good friend a few weeks ago.  We were discussing about the health care of our old parents.  My friend told me that her 80-year-old mother was heart broken when her 90-year-old father told her that she was too old for him.  He needed a young woman to take care of him because she couldn’t even prevent him from falling down.


As the only woman sitting at the table, I couldn’t join the conversation.  Actually, I didn’t know what to say.  A song, the silver hair, came up to my mind.  I hummed it quietly to myself:


Honey, we are getting old,

Our silver hairs glow in the light,

The life is just like morning dews,

We are not young anymore,

But you are my sweetheart,

Beautiful and sweet forever,

You are my sweetheart,

Beautiful and sweet forever.


The dinner was over, and a well-known scholar finally came to the conclusion:  ‘According to the scientific studies, old men need young women’s care so they can live longer…’



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