RGBimage115.jpg  想著自己在舞蹈上只是個永遠追不到夢想的逐夢人,對自己真是失望,覺得自己對舞蹈的狂熱真是無可救藥。









I was in such a bitter and dismayed mood when I wrote about myself as a dreamer.  It was true that I felt like a loser when I couldn’t see any hopes in my dance.


Today my dance teachers excitedly shared one of their newly findings at work.  They told me how impressed they were with a couple’s improvement.  Their words made me jealous.  Practice makes perfect is a golden rule in dance.  There is no need to say that the students will make a significant improvement if they practice hard everyday.  Over those years, Shyi-Dong and I kept fighting on how much time we should spend on practicing.  For me, practice is a must.  For Shyi-Dong, practice is a waste.  In fact, he has no time at all except for work.  The fun of dancing disappeared when we continued to fight.


The teachers’ compliments on other students made me feel heavy, but their words suddenly opened my eyes to see myself.  Yes, dancing well is a dream to me, a dream hard to fulfill.  I always feel frustrated because I have tried my best but the turnout is disappointing.  The teachers’ words made me wander if I can never change the facts probably I should try to change my attitude.  Should I focus on what I have or should I focus on what I don’t have?  Should I focus on my strength but not weakness?  Should I continue to worry lots of things and lock my soul inside?  Perhaps I should just open myself up, enjoy what I have and appreciate the opportunity of being able to dance.  If I don’t mind the outcomes, I believe my dance will look different because it will express just a true side of me.  My dance will be a reflection of my life which will be unique.



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