2008年舞會  好朋友寄了幾則笑話給我,其中一則寫著:青春就像衛生紙,看著挺多的,用著用著就不夠了。












A good friend sent me a few pieces of jokes.  One of them said:  Youth is like tissue.  It looks a lot but it’s gone quickly.


Last night I was practicing dance alone at the studio as usual.  Even though the rain was pouring outside, the studio was packed.  The students and teachers were busy practicing for the upcoming big event.  Watching them twirl and swirl on the dance floor, my heart ached.


Dancing has always been a dream.  When I was young, I couldn’t bring it real because there were no teachers.  Now I finally found teachers, but it is even harder to fulfill this dream.  My time has gone.  I am not young any more.


How much I wish I could dance beautifully, but how could that happen?  I can’t expect Shyi-Dong to spend more time because it is beyond the reality.  I can’t expect anyone else to do it with me because I don’t want it become just a business.  The beauty of the dance is beyond the movement.  How can the dance look good if there is no life in it?  But how can it have life if it is just a business?  Dancing is an expression of love.  How can the dancers set a boundary if they are unrelated but still want to make the dance look lovely?


It is painful to see what I love dearly in the life is just a dream.  It is painful to see all the essential elements missing in what I want to do so eagerly.  When I was young, I had a better chance to look good on the dance floor, but now I am just like a dreamer chasing a dream which can hardly be fulfilled.  How painful it is!




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