大雪山攻頂  怒氣沖沖的離開公證人的辦公室,上氣接不到下氣的衝進麥當勞,與外國友人的約會整整晚了一小時,擔心他們不耐久候已經離去。踏進喧嘩的店裡,只見友人正比手畫腳與一位老兵談話,身影清癯的老兵顛顛危危的從口袋摸出小小飾品,遞給友人,嘴裡不斷說著感謝與讚美的話。原來老先生要賣自己的畫,友人沒興趣買,但不想讓他失望,給了他一些錢,老先生開心的不斷道謝,但無功不受祿,所以拿出飾品當作禮物回贈。











Never Mind


Rushing out the notary’s office with fiery anger, I dashed to McDonald.  My foreign friends had been waiting there for me for an hour, and I was afraid that they probably already left.  Out of breath, I stepped into the noisy McDonald and spotted my friend talking with an old veteran.  I was greatly relieved.  I couldn’t understand what they were doing, but I heard the old man thank my friend repeatedly while he gave her some small pieces of jewelry.  What I found out later was that the old man wanted to sell his paintings but my friend had no interest in buying any.  Instead, she gave the old man some money, but the old man refused to accept it without having any transaction.  The small pieces of jewelry were tokens to express his gratitude.


The old man’s earnest face and my friend’s kind gesture made a beautiful picture in my eyes.  They were two strangers who had nothing in common, but their love and kindness brought each other happiness.  I was very touched.  Shouldn’t we always be nice to other people so we can make the world a better place to live?


This morning I had such a horrible fight with the landlords at the notary’s office.  Under the landlords’ threats, I clenched my teeth, held my tears, and signed my name on the most unreasonable lease in the world.  I should just walk out but I was afraid that my students, foreign teachers and Chinese staff would have no place to go immediately.


I was so shocked to be treated like this way.  All my life I have tried my best to help people and to bring happiness to others.  I couldn’t believe that my relationship with the new landlords could change drastically after their father passed away.  Ever since we signed the lease with their father, we have never been behind the due day of the payment; we have hired a 24 hour security service; we have paid for a daily cleaning service; we have painted the building every year and renovated it constantly.  .  In addition, we have helped them dump the trash and collected mail.  We have done many things beyond what we were supposed to do as a tenant and we never expected anything in return.  We believed that was the right way to treat other people.  When the economic crisis occurred, we were heavily hit financially.  The advertisements for leasing real estate were everywhere.  Many landlords even lowered the rent in order to keep the tenants.  We never requested for any favor from them to reduce the rent when we lost many students.  On the contrary, we were open for a new deal if they could talk nicely and be reasonable.  Ironically, they never mentioned about the raise of the rent or the termination of the lease before we reminded them that the lease was about to expire, but now they are threatening us by telling us to move out immediately if we cannot accept the new deal.  The money is not a big deal for us, it is the disgusting way they have handled the issue.  It is common sense that to make a move is quite a fuss, not to mention moving a big school.  How could they just threaten to kick us out without any notice while there is no one interested in taking it over?


Looking at the big pile of the old man’s unsold artwork, I had an urge to buy one.  Even though I didn’t need any and I was not interested in his work either, I wanted to give this old man some encouragement.  Instead of moaning over my dismayed fate after such an explosive fight, I decided to do something good.  I picked up one painting and paid the old man.  He was thrilled as if he met someone who could recognize his work.  In order to express his appreciation he tucked me another piece of paper which was a famous poem.  It read:  Back down and you will keep your grace, give in and you will get peace, hold your tongue and you will feel relieved, bear the insult and you will be strong…


My tears rolled down my cheeks and my friends were very puzzled to see me so emotional.  The small offer I gave to the old man opened my mind immediately.  The Lord comforted me through a stranger:  Never mind how badly people treated you.  You will be stronger than before because I am in charge.




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