RGBimage097.jpg  我成長在民國40年代一個公務員的家庭,記憶中爸爸一份微薄的薪水,要照顧五個孩子的家庭,物質上永遠捉襟見肘,唯一不欠缺的就是爸爸媽媽濃濃的愛,還有兄弟姐妹中相親相愛的感情。



我的家庭真可愛 整潔美滿又安康

姐妹兄弟很和氣 父母都慈祥

雖然沒有好花園 春蘭秋桂長飄香

雖然沒有大廳堂 冬天溫暖夏天涼

可愛的家庭呀  我不能離開你









What’s wrong with Our Children?

I grew up in a modest family in the fifties when the economy was gloomy.  My father’s humble salary was always a challenge for him to feed a five-kid family.  We lived simple life, but we were showered with love from our parents and siblings.


In the tough years we grew up and got married.  We never thought how to raise a family but just simply followed our parents’ model.   The perception of home for us is just like the words in a very famous song, The Sweet Home.


My home is so lovely; it is warm, clean and comfortable.

We love each other and our parents love us

Even though there is no beautiful garden, but the air is always filled with the fragrance of the flowers .

Even though there is no splendid building, but the house is always cozy in the winter and cool in the summer.


My lovely home, I can never leave it.

It is a blessing to have such a lovely home.


Society has changed dramatically over the years, and we can afford to have a comfortable life, but we still keep the same simple belief in keeping a good family.  Our children have grown up, and they are blessings to us.  They felt lucky to have a good family, but they were also confused with their peers’ life when they were still young.  They could not understand why their friends’ families lived together but acted like strangers.  They could not understand why their friends’ families never ate together.  They could not understand why their friends’ families ignore each other’s feelings and seldom talked together.  The children had no direction.  The only concern from the parents seemed to be just their academic achievement.  They hated school and hated studies.  They wanted to destroy others and to destroy themselves.  The media was filled with violence and pornography.  There were no role models to follow, and they were completely lost.


A lovely home is supposed to be a place where the parents love their children and the children care about each other and respect their parents.  It is a place to keep the hardness away, a shelter for people to hide.  Don’t ask what’s wrong with the children, ask the parents what kind of home they are providing.



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