RGBimage091.jpg  報載一個十來歲的孩子,因為細故,殺人殺紅了眼。好端端的ㄧ個青少年為什麼會變成殺人不眨眼的惡魔?我們不要只怪青少年,我們應該先問問爸爸媽媽怎麼了?











Where are the parents?


The front page of the newspaper was covered with scary news about a teenager slaughtered his peers without any reason.  Everyone blamed the boy, but was it his entire fault?  Should his parents take responsibility as well?



I always wonder nowadays where the parents are when the children are growing up?  Where are the parents when the children need someone to talk to?  Where are the parents when the children need help?


How many children never get love from their parents?  They have a home but they don’t want to go home because the parents are always missing.  Even if the parents are home, it is like they are not there, or it is even worse to have parents at home.


The adolescents’ problems become a burden to society and threats to innocent citizens.  In the past, disciplining children was the parents’ job, but now there are many parents who discard their children or just give up on them.  Even animals know how to take care of their youngsters, what happens to humans?  When the parents leave their responsibilities to society, and the law cannot really protect good people, the adolescents’ crime becomes a real problem.




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