RGBimage075.jpg  兒子已經成年,又有很好的工作,但卻無法像以前一樣無話不談,做媽媽的悵然若失。















We Love You

Our son has grown up and has a good job.  However, he seems a little distant to me.  I don’t know what has happened because we used to be so close.


Recently he has made a special trip to come back from America to be the best man in a wedding.  Even though he just came back for a vacation six months ago, I was thrilled to hear that he would come home again soon.


It is easy to understand that it will be a short trip for him because he has such a heavy load at work; however, I was quite disappointed when I heard him stuttering on the phone that he would have very little time to be home.  I wish I could tell him that we miss him and would like him to stay longer, but I swallowed my words because I didn’t want him to feel pressured.


My son has been very attached to us ever since he was a little boy.  He has tried his best to honor his parents in everything he does and he had many moments few children could claim. He was a dream child for any family.  There is no need to say that we feel very proud of him every time when we receive compliments from friends.  However, keeping a perfect image is tough and life seems to be just endless challenges for him.  There are times I have to remind him that he needs to slow down and not to be too hard on himself.  I would rather him enjoy his life more than just work.  I would like him to know that we are his friends and we support everything he does.  Anytime when he feels tired or hurt, we are at home waiting for him.


Probably he has never failed us, so we take everything for granted.  However, now he has grown up and he has his own world.  Perhaps he wants to be himself and not our little boy anymore.  Perhaps he feels that he will disappoint us if he does not want to follow our suggestions.  Perhaps he doesn’t want to hurt our feelings but he doesn’t want to be dishonest either, so he decides to close himself up.


My mother is nearly eighty years old and she is not in good health.  However, she worries about me much more than I can imagine.  From time to time she will tell me what I should do, how to eat healthy, how to dress properly, and how to live happily.  I feel annoyed when she tells me what I should do.  Sometimes I even felt regretful for letting her know about any bad things happening in my life because she would worry so much. 


Thinking about myself, thinking about my mother, I would like to tell my son:  Please don’t worry whether you can please us or not, we love you and we want you to be happy.  We know that you don’t have too much time to spend with us, but we understand because we love you.





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