image074.jpg  Tonight I went to the studio to take our dance lesson as usual.  After seeing the video my teacher took at our performance, I realized that there were so many things I need to improve because I looked awkward with my movement.   Besides, I was so stiff. Yes, I could keep my body pretty straight, but I looked more like a walking stick on the dancing floor. I told my teacher what I thought and he pinpointed the problems along with some suggestions. 


Our party is only a few weeks away, and I really hope that it will be a touching and sensational performance after a whole year’s practice on Rumba again.  I followed my teacher’s suggestions and tried a few times on the difficult tricks.   To my surprise, I MADE IT. Yes, I made it and it was not as difficult as before.  It is such a GREAT feeling to know that I can make it.  It felt as though something had clicked in my mind; all of a sudden, I felt I could understand my teacher’s language, the language of dance.


I know this happened just because we had a HARD talk a week ago.  We both felt so hurt when I expressed my concerns about the lessons.  My teacher felt he was being criticized and insulted and I felt I was being misunderstood and mistrusted.  I am glad that my teacher poured out all his concerns, and his words woke me up.  Suddenly, I felt my eyes opened to see what caused the problems.


It is such a great feeling to know that I am moving away from one plateau up to another plateau.  Slowly but steadily I am moving up.  This reminds me of the story I loved to read to my own boys when they were young.  It is about a little blue engine which tries to pull its freight over the mountain.  The mountain is so big, but the engine is so little and the freight is so heavy.  It seems hopeless for the little engine to do the job, but the engine pulls itself up along with a chant:  I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN.  No doubt about that, the little engine does make it to the top of the mountain!


Now my body coordinates better with my brain, but my feelings still remain dormant.  How to crack the shell and release my feelings is my next step.  Now I feel I am like the little blue engine pulling itself up the hill and I know I WILL get on the top of the mountain very soon.




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