~震撼的鬥牛舞~  Hi, R and L:


I just watched the video you took at our performance and I have a question for you.  How do you think I can make my performance more lively and interesting?  I thought I have done the best I could but it did not turn out to be what I would like to see.  I think I didn't express anything from my dance not even to mention about touching the audience's heart.  I looked like one of the dancing dolls in the music box that had no life.  No wonder you have so much to say about my dance.  I hope that I can look better at next performance, but how?  It seems that I need a finishing touch before I can present myself to the audience again.  I looked like someone who walked carefully on the dance floor and was afraid of stepping on an ant.  Oh, my God, it is so bad!




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