Hi, R and L:


This week has been a crazy week for me.  Can you believe that I held six parties in a row?   Some were huge; say, 200 some guests attending and some were small; say, five guests visiting my home.   Some are very formal; say, a farewell party for all the foreign and Chinese staffs who were leaving, some are exciting; say, a party for whole school to welcome all the new foreign staff.   In addition, I close down one school but am signing a contract to start a new one.


Anyway, I felt as though I had been tossed into a whirlpool and couldn't think straight.  However, there is one thing I am very proud of myself which is that I finally discovered what my problem was.   It might sound strange, but it's true that I discovered that I did think differently from the norm.  You might feel it is ridiculous when I told you that I thought my counting of the musical beats is different from that of your demonstration.  Initially, I couldn't explain the reasons but I finally understand that my perception of music is different from yours.


You must laugh that it took me 11 years to discover this.   It is like someone running crazily telling people that there is a sun in the sky.  Anyway, I feel funny that sometimes I think I am very smart but it's awful to know that I am actually just the other way around.


After being stigmatized as having a musical problem, I need to build my self-esteem and confidence first.   I think I still need a little bit more time to prove that I can do it.  Right now my brain understands how to count the beats.  However, it will still take a while for my body to understand it.   I am thinking about taking more lessons with you if possible when Shy-Dong is traveling abroad in a few weeks.  I want to challenge myself to see whether I can do it right alone.  If I can prove I can do it, Shy-Dong will be very surprised.  I am waiting for the moment when I can tell him:  Aha, I finally get there.


You might ask:   "What's  the big deal?  Every one should know how to count the beats.”  It can be true if you grew up in an environment which was rich in music and arts like where you were from.    Do you remember that you said many times that you couldn’t understand why most of your Taiwanese students could not follow the music?  The reason is that we were not trained to listen to the music.  Yes, we enjoy the music but it is not necessary to say that we need to be able to count the beats.  I might be your first student whom you think is hopeless, but I do not think I will be the last.   Probably you will be happy that one day I can be the person who help you to teach the students who are like me.  :)



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